


More knitting

The Elaborate Question Mark, 2022
Wool, scrap wood, pins
To be read, 2023
Wool, light
Blue-grey-blue, 2023
Wool, scrap weaving

Telling time                                                

In the same way that seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years are measurements of time, the stitches of knitting are another. I knit to the soft sound of the rhythm of my hands, and the ticking of my watch. I see the seconds sliding by and feel my fingers moving in time.


Eileen Morley is an artist and knitter from Richmond, Virginia. The form of a pattern, slant of an increase, and loops and bumps of knit and purl stitches are the main language in which she addresses time, and textiles. 

Her work has been exhibited in Materials: Hard + Soft International Contemporary Craft Competition, the Visual Arts Center of Richmond, and ADA Gallery, as well as the Icelandic Textile Center. She received her BFA in Craft and Material Studies with a minor in Art History from Virginia Commonwealth University and will be pursing an MA in Textiles at the Royal College of Art in 2024.